Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

The Most Common Special Effects Used On Movies Around The World

By Rino Salante

If you are always watching movies and television shows, you will find things that are very hard to explain like people who are flying or tragedies and other phenomenon that looks very real. These are physically impossible, but when it comes to movies, everything is possible with the use of Special Effects.

If you will compare the special effects in the past and the ones used in the present, there is definitely a huge difference because the SPFX used today is almost very natural. It is like you are watching real person fly and tragedies happen. This is the reason why almost a lot of movies are using this kind of effects, though it is very expensive. So what are the common special effects used in movies to make it look real?

The Use of Flying Effects

This is probably the most common effects used on movies, especially the movies that are focused on superheroes and supernatural beings. You will see these flying movies on very popular movies nowadays like Superman, The Avengers, Thor and Ironman. It is a very old kind of effect but they made a lot of change to make it look like the actor is flying in real life.

Supernatural Powers

This is also the same with flying effects but supernatural powers are mostly based on pure special effects. The actors will still do their thing while casting their powers, but the special effects will bring it to life. If you will watch them behind the cameras, you won't see rays of light or fire burning skills while they are doing it, but all the effects will be added and edited when it is placed in the computer.

Deaths on Movies

The deaths of people in the movies can also be considered as special effects as there are times when these deaths are very artistic. There are movies like Final Destination and Saw where the deaths are considered as not normal. Of course, you cannot really kill someone just to make a good movie so special effects are also incorporated on these scenes.

Natural Phenomenon and Disasters

This is probably the most amazing effects used on various movies since the effects can create hurricanes, storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and more. They are not filming a real tragedy but these phenomenons are created through the use of special effects. All of these will not be possible without popular and professional providers like Pollard Productions Rigging.

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