Sabtu, 05 September 2015

Some Interesting Hidden Secrets In Television

By Daphne Bowen

In most movies or shows, there are actually a lot of hidden secrets or messages that would actually entertain the viewers a little bit. Sometimes they would appear in the form of code while sometimes they might appear in the form of characters of other films. Now to know more about these hidden secrets in television, here are a few examples that may people were able to notice.

Now one of the most interesting secret codes that one can see in a lot of films and cartoons is the code known as A113. This is a very common code that has appeared in so many films such as the Simpsons, American Dad, and even the cartoon that is known as the Rugrats. Of course not many people would notice code because it is very much well hidden and intended for people to find and not to see right away.

Now to shed some light into this, A113 is actually a classroom number that a lot of students go through in the California Institute of Arts. So if one would put the secret code of A113 in his film, then he most likely went to this school. This was done so that also other students of this institution would be able to see it and relate as well.

Now if one would like to watch Disney movies, then there are a lot of interesting secrets or popularly known as Easter Eggs to find there. Of course in every Disney movie, there would be some reference to the famed character known as Mickey Mouse. There would be a hidden mickey somewhere or a picture of Mickey in a painting of some sort.

Of course Disney is also really fond of putting other characters from other movies into their own movies as well. One example would be a toy of Buzz Lightyear that made an appearance in the popular Disney and Pixar film known as Finding Nemo. Admittedly a lot of viewers were really entertained when they saw that.

Now another movie that would that would have a very interesting and entertaining would be none other than the popular film known as Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark. Notice in one of the scenes that Indiana Jones is standing next to a pillar that has some inscriptions on it. If one would take a good look at it, he can actually see a drawing of the two famous robots of Star Wars, R2D2 and C3PO.

Now in the movie Fight Club, there are actually so many scenes that would have Starbucks references like cups of Starbucks coffee. Of course there are those who would say that the director is an avid lover of Starbucks. Others say that it was somewhat of an advertising stunt for the Starbucks brand.

Of course these interesting secrets can be found in almost every movie or show that is shown worldwide. Now these hidden secrets would usually pop out randomly without warning. Often times they are just used to entertain the viewers.

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