Jumat, 22 September 2017

Container Garden Ideas For Urbanites And Apartment Dwellers

By Ann Lewis

In case you are considering yourself as having little or no space at all for growing your fresh fruit, herbs and vegetables to last your family the whole summer, sit back and relax. You would be surprised the amount of food you can harvest from the smallest of your space. This is true even for those who dwell in high-rise apartments with no space than a balcony. From hanging pots to innovative vertical gardening ideas and easily accessible planters, this small space container garden ideas will make your homegrown sufficiently productive. It does not matter the small nature of your outdoor space.

You should do some research at your local nursery or on the internet to choose the plants you wish to grow to help you come up with some ideas. Try to use plants that complement each other and have the same basic needs for water, air and light. The fruits of your labor will be amazing.

A vessel garden idea that has taken off recently is the landscape vessel. Some people plant a simple evergreen tree in a vessel with good drainage to place at their front door. Or you could plant an assortment of flowers for a bright and beautiful vista. If you do plant flowers, add plants that spill over the sides of the vessel to add more visuals and interest.

Secondly, using a good quality garden potting compost should be used as this will contain all the nutrients your plants will need. They may be in the vessel for some time, so a regular feed with fertilizer will also boost the nutrients. Slow release pellets are very useful for vessel gardening.

You can grow vegetables in vessels but choose wisely. Vegetables like squash and pole beans need lots of space, while tomatoes need a deep pot. When you grow your own vegetables you will have tasty produce not the bland stuff that is in the grocery store. Nothing tastes better than a tomato right off the vine. There are many chefs and good home cooks that grow their own for just this reason.

Square foot gardening and raised beds: You can grow more food in a square foot than you may think. The gardening comprises boxes that are typically above-ground, filled with nutritious soil and segmented in to square foot to allow maximum plant spacing.

For relatively big enough spaces, raised beds are ideal for maximizing your effort and space. They not only accommodate more growth per square foot but also greatly minimize the need for weeding. Uprooting the weeds is also much easier throughout the season.

Remember that container yards dry out more quickly than traditional ones. Be diligent about watering your plants if you don't want your vessel gardening ideas to wither and die. Vessel gardens must be fertilized too. Keep a small notebook handy so you can write down the needs of your plant so you will always know when to water or feed. Keep an eye out for pests. If you find a vessel that has an infestation, isolate it immediately and treat it with a natural pesticide. You don't want harsh chemicals on fruits, vegetables or herbs. A good natural pesticide recipe is:

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