Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

A Brief Glance At Oriental Family Symbolism

By Takamitsu Hairi

Family system has not yet been thrown out by the Japanese people and same is the case of the family symbols also. 'Ka-mon', the Japanese expression for family symbols was derived from 'Ka' and 'mon' which mean family with its own ancestral tree and emblem respectively. History of Ka-mon traces back to 1200 AD.

At the same time, in Europe also an insignia was popular named 'Coat of Arms'. So many researches have been done around the homogeneity of these two traditions.

There are different intricate aspects for the Japanese family symbols. Hence it has never been easier to make sense of these symbols with some simple explanations.

The mon as the Japanese symbol for family is known has no real restricted set of rules. The most usual feature is that of a disc which is circling the figure of an animal, plants, immortal or natural bodies and even man-made objects.

All of these items are placed on the family symbol in an abstracted form. The use of the Kanji script is also usual in the family symbols. You can also find geometric shapes and religious symbols in the Japanese family crest.

Even though there are no set rules when it comes to the designing of the mon it gets its name from the contents that are featured in its design. The name of the mon does not really represent its depiction rather it only seeks to explain it. The blazon in the mon is not in perspective and this makes it quite unlike the European crest. The designs that are illustrated on the mon come into their formalized fashion as they get the stamp of tradition through the passage of time.

There is not a certain rule for the colour selection also. However, they are generally found in monochrome. The usage of family symbols are unaccustomed in Japan nowadays. Although there are some families that stick to use them, several families will not be able to identify their mon because it has been labelled as an old-fashioned practice.

When a family is in need of finding their mon, the temple records that keep the registries of the ancestral places of people will come with help. There are a lot of other ways to find the mon of every family when they are required.

Although it has turned an old practice, some people still adorn their roofs and interior decorations with the family symbols. Packed food products coming from Japan are marked with these mon symbols sometimes. Also mon can be obtained from the craft shops all over the world.

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