Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Better Understanding Stuttering Treatment Tucson

By Kelly Wood

Anyone suffering from stuttering knows the stress and anxiety it can cause. Even dealing with daily tasks can become difficult. However, there is hope for the sufferers in stuttering treatment Tucson. These professionals have various therapies to help reduce or eliminate this problem.

Stuttering is a speech problem involving speech disruptions in syllables or words. The stutterer usually repeats or prolongs his speech patterns. Some also have quivering lips and/or fast eye movements when speaking. The severity varies greatly from one person to another, and it is often worse when the person is anxious or stressed.

This disorder affects about three million people of all ages. However, it is more common in children in the ages of three to five. It is also found much more often in boys than girls. Most sufferers will eventually outgrow the problem, but about one percent of the population carry the problem into adulthood.

There are three basic types. The first type is developmental and is found most often in children. The second type is neurogenic and is usually the result of a head injury or stroke. The third type, which is the most rare, is psychogenic which is the result of some type of emotional trauma. No matter which type you have, a speech language pathologist should be consulted for treatment. They are professionals in speech disorders and can give various tests to determine the best treatment to follow.

Young children suffering with this disorder often have good results with therapy. It is thought that a speech pathologist should be consulted if the stuttering continues for a period of at least three to six months. The pathologist will work with both the child and the parent. The child will be taught ways to talk slower. The parent will be taught ways to deal with the disorder like talking slower with the child and not finishing a sentence for the child

With adults various strategies can be used. They will also be taught ways to talk slower. Any stress issues will also be addressed. Sometimes drug therapy is used. Although there is no specific drug for this disorder, sometimes drugs used for epilepsy or depression have been used. However, it is unclear how effective these drugs are, and they can have side effects if used over an extended period of time.

Sometimes the best treatment is the use of an electronic device. This device must be custom fit to the individual ear canal. Looking much like a hearing aid, the wearer hears his own voice as he is speaking. This is similar to talking in unison. About eighty to ninety percent of users of this device saw great improvement in their speech patterns. It seems to be quite effective for short term use, but its long term effects are still under evaluation.

It is vital to consult a properly qualified speech pathologist when searching for stuttering treatment Tucson. Only these professionals have the skills to properly diagnose, and then use the best available speech therapies. Research is continuing to find the most effective ways to treat and hopefully cure this common disorder.

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