Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Contents Of The Monuments Men Book

By Marcia Marks

If you love history, you will find the monuments men book quite interesting. This is an appealing description of the war, which was taking place between the German Nazis, who stole treasure from the museum. It displays loads of details and the effort used in order to get back the treasure. Acts of heroism, and tactics displayed in the plot shows the determination the soldiers have in order to get the treasures back.

The plot gives a detailed description of the events, which happened. This included the theft of the artwork and treasure from the museums by the Nazi thieves. On retaliation, the soldiers set up a rescue mission to ensure all stolen goods were returned. Life was lost, and had to undergo different planning sessions in order to get back the treasures.

The production team decided to put up a film to educate people about the heroic missions and most importantly the planned mission of getting the treasure back. There are detailed sections in the film, which many people did not understand took place. This film has allowed many people to appreciate the historic events, which went a long way to protect their treasure.

The treasures had loads of historical meaning dating back to many centuries. It defined the history, the culture, and the history of a nation. However, the German Nazis stole all this leaving the people without an identity. They wanted to place them on the black market, which could have offered them more cash and quick sales. The treasures, stolen from different museums, in different planned attacks caused a huge uproar with the locals.

Historical paintings and modern art on display fetched loads of cash from interested parties. During the presentations, the Nazis stole original artwork and replaced some with poor quality work. The entire plan worked well for the Nazis since it was not detected until they had run miles away with the paintings.

On realization their artwork and treasure was missing, the team set up a group of armed military to start the process of getting back the treasure. They knew this was a hard journey especially attacking the featured Nazi group. They needed to have strong weaponry and attack in a planned manner. They had to work fast since wasting time gave the Nazis an opportunity to start selling the acquired treasure.

The effort of the soldiers display calls for admiration and heroism. They had to leave their comfortable homes in order to get the treasures of the country and prevent further theft. The journey was not easy since they had to adapt the right plan. It took effort, heroic acts, and most importantly determination to return the prized possessions.

According to critics, the monuments men book has attained good reviews since it displays the effort of the soldiers went through in returning the treasures. Most of the treasure was already on sale in the black market sectors but was returned. The film makes it easier to view the struggle, the plot, and the relentless effort of the soldiers. The German Nazi thieves were defeated in their quest to steal the history of the people.

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