Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

Basic Guide To The Igbo Culture

By Claudine Hodges

The main occupation of Igbo - manual shifting cultivation (yam, cassava, maize, vegetables, etc., In areas of Onitsha and Owerri and rice). Basic tools - hoe and several kinds of knives. In southern main crop is oil palm (mainly export oil exported from the region of Owerri). Advanced logging, the most valuable of its rocks are exported. Igbos are also involved in fishing, trade, collecting wild fruits breadfruit and other trees, berries, herbs and plants (Igbo culture).

Cattle involved is small, since large areas of infected tsetse fly. Cattle is very much appreciated and has mainly ritual significance. Developed crafts: blacksmithing, pottery, weaving, weaving, woodworking, woodcarving. In nriauka blacksmith's craft involves most of male population. In Igbos widely developed seasonal work.

Most Igbos are Christians. In traditional religion of "Lord of Earth" has the highest religious prestige. He secures a priest of earth goddess Ala fertility of land. The earth goddess stands as her consort the God of Heaven Chi aside. In addition there are numerous divine addition to powers and spirits. Particularly significant is among Igbos of ancestor worship. Funerals and festivals occur masked dancers, who are grouped together in special secret societies. A few thousand Igbos also consider themselves to be Jews.

There are several types of housing. Traditional accommodation rectangular or circular in plan. The walls are constructed of poles, which are coated with clay. Roofs are covered with grass, palm leaves, corrugated iron. In northern parts of dobe dwellings. At the western Igbos and near Onitsha - rectangular in plan, walls of clay roof gable or hipped, covered with grass or palm leaves. In area of housing Ogoja square or circular in plan, with a cone-shaped, covered with grass roof.

Kwa group of people migrated to south of this merger. Of them came peoples ygala, ydoma, Yoruba and Igbos . Kwa-people settled in northern part of Central Rise (Nsukka-Auca-Eagle) about 5000 years BC. E. Igbos consisted of highly disparate and politically independent communities. Before acquaintance with the Europeans and close contacts with neighboring ethnic groups Igbos had a clear identity as a distinct people.

Igbos (or for, self - "forest dwellers") - the people in south-eastern Nigeria. Number of approx. 26 million people. Speak the language of Igbos, which belongs to Benue-Congo language family Niger-Congo makrosemi. Segodnya most of them speak English, along with Igbos (the result of British colonialism).

Through the activities of missionaries in XIX century Igbos converted to Christianity. Continue to play a role traditional beliefs. Known secret societies: Mmvo (MTO), Ekpe. Ekumeku Society in 1898 - 1911 years resisted the establishment of British colonial administration in region. Igbos Jews - a small part of Nigerian Igbos nation that claims to Jewish roots and professing Judaism. Igbos Jews consider themselves descendants of North African (probably Egyptian) Jews who migrated to west of Africa. Tradition Igbos Jews say that this migration occurred about 1500 years ago.

Another option Igbos tradition identifies Jews with the descendants of three tribes of Israel - Gad, and Manasseh Zebulun. Igbos community of Jews in contact with Jewish organizations in other countries (including the US and Israel) and receive financial support. Practiced scarification, male and female circumcision. Twins in past and feared killed. Igbos - deeply religious people who believe in a benevolent Creator, commonly called Chukwu (Chiukwu, Chineke, Obasi di n'elu and so on. D.) Who created the visible universe (uwa).

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