Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

In A Counter Terrorism Fiction Novel, Who Are The Terrorists

By Ines Flores

Were there no glaring inconsistencies in the media version of events, Americans would not think what they do. If the 911 Commission Report was not more like a 911 Omission Report, Americans would not think what they do. With so many lies fired at them from a television set, the whole idea of a counter terrorism fiction novel is a bad joke.

More than half of all the citizens of the United States question the official narratives of events from Gulf of Tonkin to the more current Paris shooting. The world media claims a policeman is shot and killed even though their own footage shows the bullet going about a foot past his head and bouncing off concrete. They tried to remove the clip from public consciousness, but there are too many people out there with the Hoppa.

At this point this supposedly dead policeman only makes everyone wonder who actually killed him; terrorists or the Secret Service. I know many Americans who are asking that very question right now, even with the media attempting to claim that their own footage does not exist. They throw out a comment about crazy conspiracy theorists then switch to a terror analyst who spends an hour talking about terrorism, but never really says anything.

The words countering terror have become synonymous with the double-speak outlined in the book 1984. Like the book, government goons encourage citizens to spy on one-another and watch for signs of aberrant behavior that could spell a terrorist plot. Meanwhile, the only terrorists plotting appear to be working for Mossad, MI-5, and the CIA.

Any on topic novels are propaganda that support the preposterous notion that Muslims living in moderate to primitive conditions are scrounging up funding for elaborate mass shootings. While the Muslim religion does defy common sense, so does the dietary content of a Big Mac. Somehow the religion of Islam should be feared, for it has some planetary hold through organizations that did not exist prior to American funding of Al-Qaida in Syria.

Now Americans are almost amused when they think back to that clearly drugged Muslim man who was helped onto a plane by a well-dressed man appearing to be of Indian or Middle Eastern heritage. This Muslim, who was on a terror watch list, was permitted on the plane without ID, passport, a ticket, or even any luggage. He was reportedly quite high when he made his debut as the Underwear Bomber.

A shooting in a movie theater was reported to have been committed by a lone gunman, yet there was more than one shooter claimed by witnesses. Military-grade tear gas was thrown into the audience from more than one direction, and there was more than one gas mask found at the scene. The claimed lone gunman shows up to court with orange hair, so drugged he can barely stand.

The most priceless gem came from the couple who claimed to be parents of a child killed in the Sandy Hook shooting. Someone from the news network released video footage from before they went on live television, and it revealed these two people laughing and generally cutting up with the media staff like old friends. Suddenly they were given a cue, and the two of them looked down in meditation; just as any actor would do to get himself into character.

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